Cork Pull FAQ's
Saturday, July 30, 2023Grand Hyatt San Antonio | San Antonio, TX
The Texas Package Stores Association's Annual Convention & Trade Show is the largest alcohol beverage industry related event in the state.
The two-day event draws hundreds of package store owners and their employees as well as industry related professionals from across the globe to nearly 200 exhibit booths. Additionally, the convention & trade show features special networking events, keynote speakers, quality educational sessions and a solid sales and marketing atmosphere.
Every year, more than 1,500 leaders in the alcoholic beverage industry come together to share the latest information, exchange ideas and foster lasting personal and professional relationships.
What are the dates, hours and location?
Dates: August 20-22, 2022
Cork Pull Hours: 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., Saturday, August 20
Trade Show Hours: 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 21
Membership Meeting Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday, August 22
Location: Dallas, TX | Hilton Anatole
How many exhibitor badges do I get with my booth space?
Each exhibitor receives four (4) complimentary badges for each 10x10 booth purchased. Promotional Assistants will receive wristbands.
Where do we pick up exhibitor badges?
All Exhibitors must pick up their badges onsite at the Exhibitor Registration counter.
How do I register for exhibitor badges?
Please complete the Exhibitor Badge Registration form to guarantee badges. You must register all attendees prior to July 27, 2021 to prevent a delay in setup.
How do I make arrangements for booth furnishings, utilities, etc.?
The 2020 Freeman Exhibitor Service Manual will be made available beginning February 2020.
How do I get listed in the Buyer's Guide section of the Annual TPSA Convention Program?
The Buyer's Guide section of the Annual TPSA Convention Program includes a listing of exhibitors as well as a brief description of their products. You may update your complimentary company listing by filling out the Buyer's Guide form.
Can I use a credit card to pay for my booth space?
Yes. We accept all major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover). To download a credit card authorization form, click on Useful Links.
How do I make hotel arrangements?
Please check back for a link to the TPSA room block.